Association board: Dr. Hauke M. Bensch Heinrich-Heine Straße 1 B 31199 Diekholzen / Barienrode E-Mail-Adress: Telefonnumber: 05121 – 75822910
Registered in the register of associations: Register of associations no.: 200870 County court: Amtsgericht Hildesheim
Responsible for the content: Dr. Hauke M. Bensch
Solely authorized to represent: Feudal lord : Dr. Hauke M. Bensch
Authorized to represent in pairs: Camp master: Jonathan Böttcher Treasurer: Peter Gödecke Heraldess: Kristin Kuhrmeyer
Platform of the European Commission for online dispute resolution (OS) for consumers: We are not willing and not obliged to take part in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board.
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