Year 2020

Merry Christmas 2020

Dear companions and friends of the Vereinte Banners,

this globally eventful year is gradually coming to an end. Therefore, we would like to thank all of you who have actively supported us in a year of severe constraints. We look forward to see you all again in 2021, safe and sound, and spending many hours together.

We wish you all a merry Christmas in the closest circle of your loved ones and a happy new year 2021.

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Hildesheim Lake Spectacle 2020

After a lot of back and forth due to the worldwide corona pandemic, we were actually able to hold the Hildesheim Lake Spectacle this year as a special market from September 18th to 20th. Thanks to the very good hygiene concept, sufficient space and a bottle of mead to appease the red death, we were able to offer the dealers and artists who were severely affected in 2020 an event where they could present their arts and goods to the guests. We were delighted with the sounds of Ruadh, Duo Lautensang, Duo Obscurum, Hangklang and Ludum Ignis. For the little visitors it was very exciting to watch the sword fighting and the bow tournament. Afterwards they could relax either during the demonstrations of the Kiepenkasper or on the wooden giant wheel.

The historically interested visitor could expand his knowledge with various craftsmen. Both Einer with his smithy and Erik with his woodwork were represented again. The craft of the Rinken beater was demonstrated by Dragal. Other crafts shown are board weaving, pipe or tooth carving, tin casting and dyeing and stamping of fabrics. Many other performances and crafts were presented by the army camps represented.

We would like to thank all helpers and supporters as well as the administration of the City of Hildesheim who have contributed to the success of the Hildesheim Lake Spectacle 2020.


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