School project at IGS Springe

From May 12 to 13, 2017, we conducted medieval project days together with the students of the 7a and 7c of the IGS Springe. The students got an insight into the camp life and various crafts. Under expert guidance, the students were able to melt bronze themselves and cast it in self-made molds. To do this, they first had to dig a hole in the ground in which the furnace for the melting could be built. Furthermore, the students tried their hand at weaving, cooking, making herbal salts or sarwürkery and were able to create lasting memories. We also made it a point to give all of our guests a glimpse into the techniques of sword fighting. At the Longbow Turkeys, students and guests also had the opportunity to test their skills in traditional archery. Fortunately, we did not have to miss our camp neighbor in Springe the blacksmith Rolf Deschner. He arrived to give all guests and children an insight into the art of blacksmithing and leatherwork.